Books by Bob Rosen
DETACH: Pre-Order Now!
Detach is a personal guide for life-altering change. You will learn a fresh approach to replacing your ten unhealthy attachments with ten positive aspirations to unlock your full potential. This is a book for people who are seeking a more fulfilling life – that would be everyone.
“Bob Rosen offers practical wisdom on how to merge Western ideas of personal fulfillment with Eastern insights releasing attachments as the key to happiness.”
Tim Kaine, U.S. Senator, Virginia
“For anyone who is managing in the face of today’s change will benefit from Bob Rosen’s accounts of inspired leadership.”
Daniel Goleman, Author of Emotional Intelligence
“I love this book. It’s a revolutionary approach to improving your life. These concepts are so needed in our stressed out world.
Linda Rabbitt, Founder and CEO, Rand Construction Corporation
Grounded® reminds us how important it is to balance every piece of our lives — personal, spiritual, family, work, exercise, and more — into one life, which becomes our life’s work. "Thank you, Bob, for helping leaders to be their best!” — Alan Mulally, CEO Ford Motor Company
Conscious“This book is outstanding. Well-timed in today’s environment. Conscious will help people in all walks of life adapt and thrive in the age of acceleration. We need change leaders everywhere. — Brian Cornell, Chairman and CEO, Target
Just Enough Anxiety “I love this book. Great advice – built on thorough research – involving many of the world’s best leaders.” — Marshall Goldsmith, Leadership Coach and Author
The Catalyst “A radical, totally original book on how to create and sustain organic organizational growth. A must read…” — Warren Bennis, Professor of Business and Author
Global Literacies “A fascinating insight into the mindsetting perceptions and perspectives of the movers and shakers of the global economy. An invaluable tool for understanding the trends which are shaping our economic future.” — Claude Smadja, Former Managing Director of the World Economic Forum
“Leading People is an impressive publication that provides the reader with the opportunity to learn from the personal principles and operating philosophies of some of America’s most successful personalities.” — Stanley C. Gault, Former CEO of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Considered “one of the most important books of the decade,’ this book offers a fresh vision of the steps managers and companies can take to build a healthier organization. The book is a unique blend of organizational theory and managerial self-help.
Leadership Journeys This FREE 56-page e-book by New York Times Bestselling Author and CEO advisor Bob Rosen includes compelling stories and powerful insights from some of today’s most respected global leaders